Marie Kondo and Sparking Marketing Joy

Shobhana Viswanathan
2 min readJan 20, 2019

I’ve spent the better part of this weekend binge-watching the popular Netflix “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” series as part of an overall plan to simplify my life in 2019 #TUWMK. I love the simplicity of her philosophy and the end results for the people that declutter and simplify their lives in the show seems to really spark joy for them.

One of the core concepts of the KonMari method is “tokimeku” which means “to spark joy” in Japanese. Someone that adopts Marie Kondo’s method of tidying must take a possession and ask: “Does this spark joy for me?”

Can we apply this notion of sparking joy on a larger scale? Can we use the KonMari method in our marketing organizations? Yes! Most of marketing seems to be disorganized and chaotic due to sales and competitive pressures, much of it outside our control.

Here are some easy Kondo-isms for easy use by marketers:

1.Commit yourself to tidying up your marketing plan

For most of us, marketing planning is one of those essential evils to secure budget and headcount. But we keep adding stuff to it without much attention. Can we be more organized about our plan?

2.Imagine your ideal marketing outcomes

Just like the people that get rid of their“stuff” in the show with the final vision in mind, being goal oriented with marketing planning is key.

3.Finish discarding first

Before getting rid of items, sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose — this will include old content on your website and sales portals.

4. Tidy by category, not location

Declutter your Youtube video channel, your outdated blogs, slide decks and web pages

5. Follow the right order

Use a rocks and pebbles philosophy to prioritize decluttering of content and GTM plans.

6. Ask yourself it it sparks joy

People wonder if such a simple process — so simple that many people wonder whether it can really be effective. Judging by her Instagram followership that has hit over 1.6 million to date, the movement has definitely taken off.

